pH and its Importance in Hydroponics.

11.11.22 06:17 PM Comment(s) By Admin

What is pH?

pH is an indicator of how acidic or basic a solution is.

pH value ranges from 0-14.

A solution is acidic if pH lies between 0 & 7 and basic if it’s between 7 & 14. With 7 being neutral.

pH Range for Growing Plants in Hydroponics

A pH of 5.5 - 6.0 is good for growing leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuces, coriander, basil, amaranth, fenugreek, mint, rosemary, parsley, celery, etc.

Similarly, a pH of 6 - 6.5 should be maintained for fruiting plants like tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini, chillies, jalapenos etc.

Why it is Important to Maintain Optimum pH Levels in Hydroponics?

pH is directly related to the uptake of nutrients by plants. 

For example, if pH is low macro nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium is not absorbed, and plants do not grow. Conversely if pH is high micronutrients like iron, manganese, boron etc are not absorbed and plant leaves turn yellow.

So next time before you come to any conclusion on nutrient deficiencies first check the pH values.

If pH is low add pH Up solution to increase the pH value. How to use City Greens pH Up solution?

If pH is high add pH Down solution to decrease the pH value. How to use City Greens pH Down solution?

More on the nutrient’s availability for plants at different pH levels can be understood from the chart below.

Best Practices to Maintain Optimum pH Value.

  • Always measure pH every day at specific time
  • Do not try to chase a particular pH value. You always have a range to play with.
  • Wait for an hour or so to recheck the pH after adding pH adjusters
  • Try to use RO water rather than tap water to avoid pH fluctuations.


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